
Sunday, September 28, 2014

In Praise of William Shakespeare

One of my classes (I attend a charter school) is centered around the Renaissance, so we are currently studying a play by this William Shakespeare. It is called Henry IV. I know many people have come to fear reading Shakespeare's works for thousands of different reasons, but I personally enjoy reading plays by this fascinating man very much. They way Shakespeare uses language is just beautiful. As in watching-the-sun-set-over-the-ocean beautiful. Maybe even more beautiful than that. Yes, the terms and words may be kind of foreign to us, but one of my wonderful teachers says there is no need to understand every little bit of the dialogue. I think everyone who can read should remember this, and that the modern world should simply read more Shakespeare.

Every time I begin to read something Shakespeare wrote, a ray of sunlight pours from the sky and surrounds me with an angelic light. (Not really, but that would be kind of cool.) This shows how highly I think of Shakespeare. I only wish more people would think of him the same way.

Now, to end this post, I need to add something about Shakespeare's insults. I haven't gotten that far in Henry IV, but I have still come across so very many insults. They're excellent. I want to call someone a "mad-headed ape" sometime soon. I have a feeling I'll get the chance the next time my brother starts to annoy me...

1 comment:

  1. Oh how I love the insults! I've used a few on my brother as well, so we're in the same boat. I loved your post. Keep up the good work girl!
