
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Musings on Writing

As you know, I like writing. What you may not know, however, is that I also like thinking very deeply about things. (Yes. "Things" is the technical term.) As you can tell from the title of this post, the two recently came together. This is what resulted:

When you're a writer, you can do anything. That's sort of obvious, I know, but it really is profound when you think about it. As a writer, you can shape someone's entire personality. Events are caused because of the mood you're in at the time. Someone could die just because of a whim you had. I've been happily writing ever since I was very small, and I did know on some level the power I held so casually in my hands, but I had not felt the need before recently to sit down and ponder its immensity. Now I'm just a little bit nervous to write again. With me being the way I am, it's like my characters are all real people who just happen to never be around or something like that. They're really really real. I feel like if I do something bad to the ones in the book I'm currently putting the most effort into, they'll come and make me pay... Or maybe I'm somewhat disconnected from reality as well as being eccentric...


  1. Avery, I absolutely LOVE reading your blog! I am so happy that you are writing so that we can see more of what is going on in your mind. :) Thank you for being willing to share. Abiel

  2. Why, thank you very much, Abiel! I have a very good time letting all my oddness free and I'm glad to see someone else can enjoy it too.
